
Reformed Pastor's Endorsements:

Meet Reformed Singles Online
Dean L. Scott, in Tacoma, Wash., started (SGS) January 2005. The purpose of SGS is to give an opportunity for single men and women committed to the Reformed faith from around the world to meet other Christians of like mind and persuasion. SGS professes itself to be in contrast to other Christian singles sites where emphasis is placed more on personality profiles than a personal walk with Christ. Share this site with your single Reformed friends: 
~Dominic Aquila, Editor, PCA Newsletter 

Thank you for all your work on this website. You have done some very good work to put SGS together. I have given thanks to God for its establishment and will continue to pray that the Lord uses it and to let others know of its existence.
Sincerely in Christ, 
Boyd- OPC Pastor

"Sovereign Grace Singles is the best place I know, on the internet, for Reformed minded Christian singles to meet."
~ Pastor Arnold Brevick- PCA


Dean is very knowledgeable concerning Reformed Theology, and is running his web site for singles, Sovereign Grace Singles, from a Reformed Theological perspective. SGS may be completely unique on the web from this perspective. Dean is actively involved with SGS, and takes great care concerning the SGS members. The web site accurately boasts several successful marriages of Theologically Reformed men and women, including that of the site owner, Dean Scott. Dean and Karen are a joy to know! - Doug Stewart- Businessman and SGS Member

“As a Reformed Presbyterian pastor, I counsel several young people in their pursuits of godly relationships. I thoroughly recommend Sovereign Grace Singles because this site is set up so that both the man and the woman are compelled to look at each other's understanding and faith and life. SGS is Christ-centered and so must be our relationships with one another. As a father of two daughters in their twenties, I have found SGS to be tremendously helpful in my paternal role to oversee their courtships. My daughters have been enriched by the Christian fellowship, those SGS members, from several Reformed churches.”

Rev. Chuck Muether

Hope Reformed Presbyterian Church

of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Pella, Iowa


Pastors of the Reformed Faith,

Orthodox Presbyterian Pastor Alan Flowers writing to you who love the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ: 

            What could be more important for the vitality of Christ’s Church and its future success than our children marry in the faith? Recall the sad words that came to Ezra: 9:2  “For they have taken some of their daughters to be wives for themselves and for their sons, so that the holy race has mixed itself with the peoples of the lands.” 

            I am writing as a father of three daughters and one who desires to see prosperity for Christ’s Church.  And so I would recommend to your congregation utilizing the ministry of .  This site seeks to attract Reformed believers who can meet in a safe way. 

            Please consider running the following in your weekly bulletin and making available the attached flier in your church’s gathering areas. 

Bulletinwww.sovereigngracesingles is a great website where Reformed believers can meet one another in a safe environment.  Finding the right spouse can seem overwhelming but SGS helps alleviate much of that stress. 


Four of my six children found Christian spouses via Sovereign Grace Singles. Along with proper supervision in a true courtship, this can be a very useful tool for people to meet Christian mates, and is a far superior method to the modern dating system.

~ John Ashwood, Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Muskogee, OK

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