Francois and Gwendolyn’s Testimonial!
Yes, Gwendolyn and I met on SGS yesterday exactly a year ago - February 15, 2021.
I (we) would love to do anything that may be an encouragement to others. However, the post I sent you yesterday was not really a testimonial, as we have not joined hands in marriage yet. Due to the many obstacles we face, I regard the post more as a prayer request. I will certainly not stop you from using it, but I think it will probably make more sense in the long run to post our story once we have seen and experienced the clear guidance of God. Then it will be a full-blown testimonial that may include some detail about the difficulties and obstacles - and how God opened doors of iron. Currently it is a combination of little clarity, many obstacles, longing and tears.
Just one example may suffice. At the beginning of February, I started applying for a tourist Visa to be able to visit Gwendolyn in the US. The earliest appointment available for an interview at the US Consulate in Johannesburg, SA, is in August. If the interview is successful, I have to wait 180 days before I can start enquiring about the progress of the Visa application. That brings us to February 2023. So, if all goes well with the Visa application, I may be able to visit Gwendolyn and her relatives in the USA from around March/April 2023 or later. Like I said, this is one obstacle - there are several.
Thank you, Dean, for continuing your vision so faithfully. I will continue to pray for you - and all the members of the SGS website - that God may bless his loved ones and be glorified in and through them.
By His grace alone!
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Steven and Sarah "Met on SGS"!
Serious minded Christians of any age know how tough it can be to find a like-minded mate (or even like-minded friends). But when you're a Calvinist—well, that really makes it tough. Sovereign Grace Singles is a wonderful site, where Christians of different denominations but a similar belief in the Five Points can meet people of similar beliefs. Whether you're looking for friends or romance, you should definitely consider giving SGS a try. I have found Dean to be honest, responsible, reliable, and even generous in his capacity as founder, owner, and CEO of Sovereign Grace Singles.
A New SGS Testimonial!!
"Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ,
Greetings from Pakistan
I belong to Islamic country where on daily basis people convert to Islam from Christianity because they didn't find any perfect Christian match.
I belong to the middle class family of Pakistan it was hard for me grow up among the people were so prejudice and hated Christians.
I started searching some Christian website to build my faith find my match.
As I never wanted to end up being Muslim.
I understand the meaning of getting in unevenly yoked.
I finished my high school and joint Citibank in Pakistan where I was the only Christian among all.
I faced emenced challenges when people come close it to me only for the sake to convert to Islam and marry me .
I gave my life to the lord at the age of 16 and long for spiritual material and by the grace of God I find SGS on the internet.
I joined SGS fifteen years ago the owner of SGS was so much generous that he let me in without any cost due to devaluation of our currency against US dollars.
14 years ago I met my husband who was a believer we are happily married couple.
SGS is not only a dating website it's a faith building website where we can share our faith meet many Christians around the world.
Dean Scott the owner of SGS always stand in gaps for me ... whenever I needed prayer's.
He always uplifted me in so many ways SGS blessed me.
I recommend so many Christians of Pakistan to join SGS. So they can found their match also good faith buddies here.
Time such as these we need people like Dean Scott to rise up and uplift the ones in Fire of persecution.
SGS is a ray of hope...hats off to SGS"
"Excelente en el trato con las personas, está pendiente del site, supervisando para que todo vaya bien, lo que nos ha permitido mantener sanidad . Le damos las gracias por todo su amor y dedicación a todos nosotros los solterossssssss...."
TRANSLATION: (Excellent at dealing with people, he's always on top of the site, supervising to make sure everything runs smoothly, which has allowed us to maintain the health of We thank you for all your love and dedication to all of us singles.)
"Daniel first contacted me in August of 2005. I was thrilled. We hit it off and he came to visit in March. We didn't talk for a while after we met and then by Gods providence He brought us back together in 2008. We fell in love and got married in July of '09. Oh, we had a very long distance relationship. He was in Sweden and I was in NM :). True love knows no distance!"
David and Elisa
“Dean is very knowledgeable concerning Reformed Theology, and is running his web site for singles, Sovereign Grace Singles, from a Reformed Theological perspective. SGS may be completely unique on the web from this perspective. Dean is actively involved with SGS, and takes great care concerning the SGS members. The web site accurately boasts several successful marriages of Theologically Reformed men and women, including that of the site owner, Dean Scott. Dean and Karen are a joy to know! - Doug Stewart- Businessman and SGS Member”
Hi there, I must say, thank you for creating it. It is very seldom I find a place where I meet like minded individuals.
"Oh, and by the way...THANK YOU! For all the work you have done here on SGS. Praise be to God for introducing me to a WONDERFUL man through this site. I am looking forward to meeting Josh face to face!"
I just quickly want to thank you for this website. I have made lots of new friends and am so blessed to be able to communicate with other Christians on a daily basis.
A “Leftover” Woman’s Prayers Were Answered
Does any of you know since when a single woman becomes a leftover woman? According to the statistics that over 800,000 single women are leftover in a city like Beijing, because they remain single after turning age 28. So according to this theory I became a leftover woman and joined this “army” since 2009.
As a village-born & raised girl with a higher education, I suddenly became the shame and source of humiliation for my parents since 2009 because of my singleness. I got depressed as I always tried hard to please my parents as a good daughter, so since then every time of coming back to visit my parents became a burden. That burden got accelerated to almost unbearable around 2013, when sitting at the 32nd floor of my church’s sanctuary thinking upon the way to avoid this pressure, Satan struck me with “You, worthless woman, why don’t you just jump off from this floor to resolve this problem?”
But as for my standard of being, I live not according to what the society or Satan tells me to do, but the Scripture, I turned to my Bible and read through “And there was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day” (Luke 2:36, 37). So I learned from Anna to be content and satisfied with my status of having to face my humiliation from my family even during hard times.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says: For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven… So for me there is never a time that God is not in control of including the time for me to get married, if God thinks that Enqi it would be good that you get married at age 50, then that’s a good timing instead and I would have to wait longer. In Jan. 2020 when Wuhan was hit by Covid-19, I got a message from Gary greeting me saying that he appreciated how I honored my parents after reading my profile from a reputable reformed Christian website. After reading Gary’s profile, I said to myself that this man sounded very humble and mature and I would love to get to know him, except he was 15 years senior to me, I got a bit concerned because of this age gap. So after praying to God for about a month, I humbled myself before God and I talked with my Spiritual father Dad Ken about Gary as I’d love to guard myself, Dad Ken suggested to ask for a recommendation from Gary’s Elder. Soon I got Elder Ian’s recommendation and forwarded it to Dad Ken, then the question he had for me was “Lara, will you marry a godly man no matter where the Lord leads him to?” After thinking it through, I said “Yes!” Then, Dad Ken sent Gary a recommendation of me to explaining to him what kind of person he perceived me to be. Then, after some time of discussion, I found that Gary was not committed to Infant Baptism imbedded in the Westminster Confession of Faith while I thought he did, so I impulsively initiated a break-up before I consulted Dad Ken. So when I came back to Dad Ken and my Spiritual mentor Eileen, I got different thoughts as Eileen witnessed to me that “If this brother only wants you to agree with him, then he is not really that nice to be with.” But Gary had none of it and Dad Ken’s opinion would be “Two serious Christians desiring to marry will never find the perfect partner. But to find a partner committed to Jesus to be the person in Christ he or she is provides a basis for a very happy life. And that's what love is all about...seeking the best for one's partner.and not in an overbearing way.” Of course, the process was longer than just these words, I finally admitted to Gary that I was using “break-up” as a mean to manipulate him to change to embrace Infant Baptism and asked him to forgive me for such a sin and he did, then we got reconciled to each other by God’s grace.
So then we moved forward with me visiting his family and church in South Africa during my winter break, I took my time to get to know him and the more I got to know him, the more I could appreciate how he could lead and guide me with Biblical principles including helping me to understand “how Materialism had damaged my thinking” and I had a fruitful visit. During that visit, I was proposed on Feb.13th and I agreed after my father’s consent to Gary. Then for me it was only to fulfill my commitment for my school which I still serve as an English Teacher and then to marry him, so I went back to China and kept my word for my school and travelled back to South Africa on July 2nd to marry my sweet fiancé.
When I was crossing the border of China to fly, I was asked "Why are you going abroad?" Without second thought, I said "To get married!" Then, the officer at the border Check Point asked me for proofs to testify my words, then I showed him an invitation that Gary sent out to our South African friends and families on Wechat (where I also talked with friends about religious matters, the officer looked into my info without asking me for consent), so the officer whispered to his superior after checking my Wechat's chats with my Christian sisters, then I was asked to have a further conversation with his superior. After asking basic info about me and where and how I met my fiancé, how old my fiancé was, the official asked me that whether my fiancé was a Christian. I told him "Yes! And me, too!" Then, he said he was not against believes, Buddhism or Christianity for him were the same, he asked me the difference between the two and I told him that Christ died for my sins, so I claimed Him as my Lord while Buddha didn’t. He suspected my marital status and kept asking "Have you never got married before?” I told him, "No, never!" He then told me that "My concern was for your good that you might be deceived by this South African guy, so you must keep in close contact with the Chinese Embassy there in SA and be on alert.“ I felt so blessed by God when He finally let me through as I know how antagonistic the officials could be toward my religious belief.
I arrived as scheduled and spent three weeks with Gary and his God-seeking mother Amy, I am so thankful Amy that you accepted me in the way you did. I am now getting the benefits of what you sowed as a mother who was seeking God’s help in rearing your children. I shall now call you “Mom” and I thank you Mom for raising a godly child like Gary.
Before our courtship, I had asked God for a three-faceted man: 1) He could get approved by my Spiritual father. 2) He could be approved by my dad. 3) We are drawn closer to God by being in our courtship. I thank God as Gary has been the answer to all these prayers! As Christ is the King and He reigns in us, so I let Him rule in me through my guardians including Pastor Ken Smith & my dad. Shall I conclude by introducing a song that I wrote for our Lord Jesus “He Reigns in Me”? I originally had it in classical music, our most talented musician Steve made some chords that sound amazing, so let’s hear Steve’s music of He Reigns in Me! Let’s welcome Steve with Thomas, Nikita & Talitha.
Gary and Lara
First, I want to say thank you for building and maintaining this site. God has used it to bless me so (unbelievably!) greatly.
I met my husband here; we were married in April.
Both my husband and his brother were married through SGS within 3 weeks of one another- it has been an exciting year!
Would you change my expired account to a "met on SGS" account please? When I was here as a single person, it was very encouraging to me to see the accounts of those whom God had led to spouses through this website, and I would like our 'story' to be encouraging to others as well- and to have the opportunity to give glory to God for what he has done!
Thank you.
In Christ, Lorisha, username "shepherdess"
I just wanted to update you to let you know that the young man that I met through SGS and I have just been married July 31, 2011 after meeting July 2, 2010! We are so blessed to come together as like minded believers, seeking to live for Christ, and we consider each other a gift from God. We serve a great God who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or think (Eph. 3:20) and He can use ANY means to do so! Please share with SGS as an encouragement to singles.
“God bless you tons !
---I am sharing this website with many in Pakistan ..... Regards, Rumasa”
Hello Dean, thank you for providing a safe place for Christian singles--this is the first and only singles group I've been in. Thank you for the 10-day free trial.
I am courting Peppermint and we don't use SGS that much any more. I thought I would let you know why I wasn't going to be renewing. I also wanted to thank you and everyone who keeps SGS going. It has enabled me to meet a wonderful woman who has the same beliefs as I do.
I appreciate it greatly,
"As a Reformed Believer, I no longer waste my time with Christiancafe. Many of their members are very Theologically confused."
“…thanks for all you have done in running the site and making it the best place to meet like minded people. I have met some really nice men and women!”
“Thanks again for such opportunities as the SGS website. I've made awesome friends!!! The Lord has been using this site is sooo many positive ways in my life. I just wanted you to know. May the Lord richly bless you and your ministry.”
------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
“Is there anything that the questionnaire didn’t cover?: True story: I am currently teaching ESL in Asia. The unit topic for the next two weeks is 'dating'and there is a section about 'online dating.' So I went to research the topic myself and came across this site. Amidst the plethora of not-so-helpful online dating sites that I researched, I was (pleasantly) surprised to see a site that actually had a 'user agreement' pertaining to doctrine. Who knew?! So I decided to sign up for 10 days to learn about this scene firsthand and relate whatever I learn to my dear students. (Although I'm not so sure they'd come to this one first. Small language barrier, among other things.) So whoever reads this, greetings from Asia!”
Thank you for all your work on this website. You have done some very good work to put SGS together. I have given thanks to God for its establishment and will continue to pray that the Lord uses it and to let others know of its existence.
Sincerely in Christ,
Boyd- OPC Pastor
"Sovereign Grace Singles is the best place I know, on the internet, for Reformed minded Christian singles to meet."
~ Pastor Arnold Brevick- PCA
I also want to thank you for making this web site available - especially at my age and being in a smaller community, it is very difficult to meet single reformed men. Thanks!
Dean, I don't know if you've had many success stories or not, but thought you might enjoy one. This weekend reformed_lady and I became engaged. The wedding will either be 12/31/05 or 1/14/06. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for being the instrument God used to bring us together!
I am very excited for SGS. I see it having lots of potential to do great things for likeminded persons for all kinds of purposes
Hey Dean,
I wanted to tell you that another member here (or former member) Regenerated and I are engaged to be married this May/June. I wanted to thank you for your site as this is where I met her!
Seriously, one of my rare moments too, my sincere thanks for referring me to this site and for your running it, in whatever role or capacity that is, forgive me my lack of complete comprehension of your daily duties with respect to all these Calvinistic cuties!. The messaging back and forth to members has been most enervating, a great blessing and plain fun
I must say that I was so pleased to find your site. I have been on other singles sites and it is so discouraging because 99.9% of the singles are out for fun and games and hardly anyone truly believes in the sovereignty of God. It is a breath of fresh air to read the profiles on your site.
By the way, I am enjoying the interaction on the site. I am actually finding mature believers, male & female, to share ideas with - and to minister to! I was overjoyed to find a singles site for reformed believers. Thank you very much for making it possible!
Hi Dean,
I began membership last year with only the intention of meeting eligible gentlemen. However, I have found this site to be far richer than that. I have corresponded with a number of other believers, male and female, who have been a great source of encouragement, edification, guidance, and protection. I did not anticipate these blessings from a forum such as this, namely the chat room. So thank you. Keep up the good work.
Sincerely, D.
Oh yes. I have to agree. I have been having some great conversations with people. But then again, that is the way you are supposed to meet someone...Through Godly fellowship? It seems perfect.
My only concern is that I am becoming a SGS junkie!
Dear Dean, thank you SOOOOO much for creating this site. I have been having such a hard time finding a guy who loves the Scriptures like I do and appreciates the doctrines of grace.
Thank you dear Brother in Christ for setting up a dating site for fellow Reformed believers. I have had membership in most of the better known so called Christian sites, and been thoroughly disappointed. Not just with the membership itself, but with the many in them that claim Christ. It seems that the vast majority of men and women that frequent them, especially the chat rooms, are anything but true converted people. I attend a small Reformed Baptist Family church in Oregon, and its so hard to find like minded folks online (nigh impossible) at the many dating links. I look forward to spending some time and Lord willing perhaps find a fellow believer here for friendship and company.
I just wanted to say that this site feels like an oasis in the desert of meaningless singles web-site. I feel like people are real with who they are & that we can band together in prayer.
Thanks. By the way, I have really been blessed by meeting a woman from this site. Thank you for having this website available. A friend of mine badgered me for a long time before I gave in and posted my bio here. I really did not expect to meet anyone. God truly does work in mysterious ways.
Hi there, I must say, thank you for creating it. It is very seldom I find a place where I meet like minded individuals.
Oh, and by the way...THANK YOU! For all the work you have done here on SGS. Praise be to God for introducing me to a WONDERFUL man through this site. I am looking forward to meeting Josh face to face!
Hey Dean, just wanted you to know the site is great! It does not feel like just a dating site but a nice place to meet new people both men and women. Thanks for having the vision to create this Dean!
I have been reading through profile after profile - Dean! I am so impressed. There are so many truly wonderfully delightful and mature Christian brothers and sisters on this site.
It is hard to put into words the difference that SGS is to the -Christian online dating- world. Having been on two of the many such sites, I find this is so, so distinct and different. The caliber of people are so much deeper and actually readers of Scripture and deep theological works! It is amazing!
I will pray that God will bless this site and all of us that use it. Blessings to you from Australia
This place has a hearty and sound sense of humor combined with people who still respect and honor their Lord in conversation and conduct. Wonderful stuff, God be praised.
Thank you Dean! And thank you so much for this wonderful site. I have made some dear friends already! God bless you
Sister Sue
I just quickly want to thank you for this website. I have made lots of new friends and am so blessed to be able to communicate with other Christians on a daily basis.
PKB: Hey Dean, just wanted you to know the site is great! It doesn't feel like just a "dating" site but a nice place to meet new people both men and women. Thanks for having the vision to create it!
Jerseygal: Yes Dean, I have met some wonderful reformed people. Thanks for the good work.
"I am going to a singles' retreat (Passion4Christ summit on the SGS events) at the end of October. Do you have some SGS info/brochures that I could bring and place on the information table? This website has been such a blessing; I want to pass it on to others! Thanks! R."
Thank you for all your hard work into making SGS a wonderful place! I can say two of us in my family have found wonderful godly Reformed Christians through your site. :)
Thanks again!
“The one thing SGS has going for it that no other site does, is the ability to interact with everyone who is a member...fostering friendships and connections that might otherwise never have happened. I've been blessed greatly by SGS over the years.”
"I also want to thank you for providing the means in which I met my husband. I have found the one whom my soul loves. (Song of Solomon 3:4) Life is so sweet with him and it got sweeter 6 months ago with the birth of our daughter!! Thank you!
"Thanks for your encouragement Dean. I'm also glad to see the emergence of sovereign grace singles. I've already sent someone the link! May God bless your service for his glory! Dave"
"I'll be at a wedding on 3/26 for a couple that met on SGS. I encouraged the young woman, Cara, to sign up, she did and met Scott, whose pastor had urged him to sign up. Beautiful couple with great testimonies. Dominic Aquila"
"There are a LOT more details to this story and I can always share them later, but I just wanted to drop you a quick note about a "success story" from the site. I didn't expect I'd actually meet my wife from this site. I mean, that's why I signed up initially, but never REALLY expected it to end up working out for me. God, as is so often the case, had different plans. Kenny"
"This is the only internet singles site where I find myself impressed (and even challenged) by member's comments in terms of the depth of their Christian experience and their ability to articulate their beliefs and desires. Christine"
"I am new to the discussion of Reformed Theology and I am in complete agreement with the above statement... especially the portion, "What we mean by "Church"". Only a few months ago did I begin to sense the Lord tugging on my heart to seek deeper truth than what was being presented before me each church service. I have since attended a Southern Baptist Church and teh message of "Grace" has become louder than ever. Your above statement has left me with a sense of understanding about what the Lord has been showign me. Thank you so much and God Bless your organization !!!"
"I also want to thank you for providing the means in which I met my husband. I have found the one whom my soul loves. (Song of Solomon 3:4) Life is so sweet with him and it got sweeter 6 months ago with the birth of our daughter!! Thank you!
"I'll be at a wedding on 3/26 for a couple that met on SGS. I encouraged the young woman, Cara, to sign up, she did and met Scott, whose pastor had urged him to sign up. Beautiful couple with great testimonies. Dominic Aquila"
"Bro, you're seriously awesome. This is how I know that SGS is a ministry, not just a business. Blessings. Soli Deo Gloria. Dennis"
“The site is amazing and SO needed in this world of trying to find reformed Christians to fellowship with. I am a member of a Sovereign Grace church in Spokane.”
“I've tried out E-Harmony for the last number of months and have been shown it is really not a good fit.”
“I have found my Love on your site. We will be married this month on the 31st. I'm grateful for your site and it has been wonderful meeting a lot of nice Reformed people. Thanks, Angela D.”
"Dean... I'd love for you to meet Greg, my husband. Just so you know there have been three people that have been married in our church that met on SGS. Pretty cool, huh!"
"As of July 10, we are engaged to be married after having met on this site. Thank the Lord for using you in our lives! God is so good! Elaine"
"This is the only internet singles site where I find myself impressed (and even challenged) by member's comments in terms of the depth of their Christian experience and their ability to articulate their beliefs and desires. Christine"
When my parents adopted me from Ukraine, I came over to America. I had no friends except for a couple of young people in my church. When I discovered Sovereign Grace Singles, I found distinctively Reformed Christian friends from all over the world. It has been such a blessing to build up relationships through SGS. The site is not a mere dating site, as some might presume, but truly a fellowship place for singles, and a safe community where you can carry each other's burdens and share each other's joys. SGS has also helped me mature as Christian young lady and the site's administrators have been wonderfully instrumental in my daily growth in grace.
Alexandria Muether
Pella, Iowa
Hi Dean,
Beau McKinley Boyd commented on your link.
Beau wrote: "Sir, as a Reformed Baptist who has recently married another Reformed Baptist, and both of us having met on SovereignGraceSingles (thank you, Dean, you have made me one happy hombre!), I do have strong opposition to infant baptism doctrinally, just as my beloved presbyterian friends have strong opposition to credobaptism doctrinally (I attend Westmisnter Seminary California - I have heard all of the, "you're not really Reformed," "you're not really a Christian," "you do not go to a real church...", etc., but I do not associate every paedobaptist with that kind of asinine arrogance and disrespect, nor do I return it based on the few who treat me like the reprobate enemy). Point being, it's one thing to have strong doctrinal difference that, while important, are not worth the kind of above commentary and approach. I have a world of respect for many paedo friends and think they are striking examples to me of honor and truth and godliness among men, and I can hold to this perspective without embracing some kind of perfection doctrine (meaning I do think they are wrong in the area of baptism). I am sorry that this man is a fool and has acted as dishonorably as he has - please do not think that all of us RBs are anything like that!! Yes we hold doctrine seriously, as do the paedobaptists, but that does not entail this kind of attitude from either of us. I have been very blessed, even recently, in sitting down in very respectful contexts and discussing, for hours at a time with my paedo seminary friends, this important doctrine. We hear each other out and test each other by the Word of God and in our fallibility and imperfection we cannot come to unanimous agreement, but we agree to disagree after having made and defended our positions and then drink a few beers, smoke a stoagie, then talk about the MASSIVE amount of things we do in fact agree on. That's beautiful to me, absolutely! Lord bless my paedobaptist friends, and Lord bless you, Sir, again, for making my marriage happen in God's providence. Thank you for the site - we have considered opening up a mutual account as one of the "met and married here" groups for purposes of fellowship and support for the medium that God ordained for my wife and myself to, but at this time we are having enough difficulty paying our bills and all of my Biola undergrad loans (sigh - I loved my udnergrad education, but man it is hard to handle when those loan repayments start showing up!), so plan on seeing us at some point in the near future! Lord bless you, Sir! Soli Deo Gloria, my brother! Beau McKinley Boyd"
I also want to thank you for making this web site available - especially at my age and being in a smaller community, it is very difficult to meet single reformed men. Thanks!
Dean, I don't know if you've had many success stories or not, but thought you might enjoy one. This weekend reformed_lady and I became engaged. The wedding will either be 12/31/05 or 1/14/06. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for being the instrument God used to bring us together!
I am very excited for SGS. I see it having lots of potential to do great things for likeminded persons for all kinds of purposes.
Hey Dean,
I wanted to tell you that another member here ( or former member) Regenerated and I are engaged to be married this May/June. I wanted to thank you for your site as this is where I met her!
Seriously, one of my rare moments too, my sincere thanks for referring me to this site and for your running it, in whatever role or capacity that is, forgive me my lack of complete comprehension of your daily duties with respect to all these Calvinistic cuties!. The messaging back and forth to members has been most enervating, a great blessing and plain fun.
I must say that I was so pleased to find your site. I have been on other singles sites and it is so discouraging because 99.9% of the singles are out for fun and games and hardly anyone truly believes in the sovereignty of God. It is a breath of fresh air to read the profiles on your site.
By the way, I am enjoying the interaction on the site. I am actually finding mature believers, male & female, to share ideas with - and to minister to! I was overjoyed to find a singles site for reformed believers. Thank you very much for making it possible!
Hi Dean,
I began membership last year with only the intention of meeting eligible gentlemen. However, I have found this site to be far richer than that. I have corresponded with a number of other believers, male and female, who have been a great source of encouragement, edification, guidance, and protection. I did not anticipate these blessings from a forum such as this, namely the chat room. So thank you. Keep up the good work.
Sincerely, D.
Oh yes. I have to agree. I have been having some great conversations with people. But then again, that is the way you are supposed to meet someone...Through Godly fellowship? It seems perfect.
My only concern is that I am becoming a SGS junkie!
Dear Dean, thank you SOOOOO much for creating this site. I have been having such a hard time finding a guy who loves the Scriptures like I do and appreciates the doctrines of grace.
Thank you dear Brother in Christ for setting up a dating site for fellow Reformed believers. I have had membership in most of the better known so called Christian sites, and been thoroughly disappointed. Not just with the membership itself, but with the many in them that claim Christ. It seems that the vast majority of men and women that frequent them, especially the chat rooms, are anything but true converted people. I attend a small Reformed Baptist Family church in Oregon, and its so hard to find like minded folks online (nigh impossible) at the many dating links. I look forward to spending some time and Lord willing perhaps find a fellow believer here for friendship and company.
I just wanted to say that this site feels like an oasis in the desert of meaningless singles web-site. I feel like people are real with who they are & that we can band together in prayer.
Thanks. By the way, I have really been blessed by meeting a woman from this site. Thank you for having this website available. A friend of mine badgered me for a long time before I gave in and posted my bio here. I really did not expect to meet anyone. God truly does work in mysterious ways.
Hi there, I must say, thank you for creating it. It is very seldom I find a place where I meet like minded individuals.
Oh, and by the way...THANK YOU! For all the work you have done here on SGS. Praise be to God for introducing me to a WONDERFUL man through this site. I am looking forward to meeting Josh face to face!
Hey Dean, just wanted you to know the site is great! It does not feel like just a dating site but a nice place to meet new people both men and women. Thanks for having the vision to create this Dean!
I have been reading through profile after profile - Dean! I am so impressed. There are so many truly wonderfully delightful and mature Christian brothers and sisters on this site.
It is hard to put into words the difference that SGS is to the -Christian online dating- world. Having been on two of the many such sites, I find this is so, so distinct and different. The caliber of people are so much deeper and actually readers of Scripture and deep theological works! It is amazing!
I will pray that God will bless this site and all of us that use it. Blessings to you from Australia
This place has a hearty and sound sense of humor combined with people who still respect and honor their Lord in conversation and conduct. Wonderful stuff, God be praised.
Thank you Dean! And thank you so much for this wonderful site. I have made some dear friends already! God bless you
Sister Sue
I just quickly want to thank you for this website. I have made lots of new friends and am so blessed to be able to communicate with other Christians on a daily basis.
“…thank you very much for creating such an amazing website and upholding Biblical Christianity. :) A.”
“Everyday I pray for one or two SGS friends who feel alone, sad and sick and these things make me sad and I pray that our mighty Lord be for them their Shaddai, Adonai, Jireh.... all... like me, and their hearts be calm and waiting in Him.
If you are more than 60 and you don't have a good family, friends and/or church support that encourage you, everyday is hard to continue. The christian family need to encoureged ono another all the time.”
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