Tim and Carrie's Story

Tim and Carrie's Story
Success Stories · · 6697 Views
I signed up for Sovereign Grace Singles almost a year ago.  It was a little discouraging at first in fact I had some pretty interesting experiences.  However, I decided to take advantage of just getting to know people trusting that the Lord would bring the right gentleman my way.  I actually loved the profile questions because they eliminated a lot of doctrinal differences.  It was in September I clicked on Tim’s profile. I knew I had to message him almost immediately.  We had absolutely almost the same story in fact it sent me to tears.  So after 3 days I built up enough courage to message him which, to my surprise he messaged me back within minutes.  As we messaged back and forth we realized how we agreed almost a hundred percent doctrinally.  This was HUGE!!! Knowing that ultimately this is what a relationship will thrive on. The more we message the harder it was to be content with just the website.  Only because it is not always user friendly and has some corks. As time went on and it was clear we were honestly who we were saying we were.  We decided to take the next plunge and facetime.  After that we began…we began to talk regularly…everyday!!! In fact we haven’t stopped.  He asked immediately to pursue me toward marriage which I accepted.  We definitely believe that the Lord divinely orchestrated our meeting and the Lord used Sovereign Grace to unite us. We are kindred spirits.  God is so gracious and we are beyond grateful.
Wedding is February 29th!
Thank you Sovereign Grace!!!!!


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